Edited 4-2-20
A Spiritual Awakening
There is nothing in the created universe that is not God. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Consciousness which means that every virus, rock, tree, bird and human we see in the material world is comprised of a different configuration of consciousness; that is, a configuration of light, life, form (invisible matrix) and figure (physical manifestation). In the long history of humanity, the transitional stages of form and figure have actually been transitions of consciousness. This means that in the evolution of the body and senses, “first comes sight, then comes the eye.” In other words, it is consciousness that first advances in the human, and the malleable body adjusts accordingly. From a macro-perspective, in this global pandemic, we are presently experiencing the pain of spiritual awakening in humanity; this is because our spiritual evolutionary journey continues to advance. Life has created circumstances which are compelling most people on the planet to stay at home, which forces them to confront and reflect upon their life situation. As this event drags on, people will come to realize, in truth, just how stable or unstable their lives really are. I am reminded of Romans 14:11, “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.”
In the long history of human consciousness, humanity has transitioned through three structures or dimensions of consciousness which have awakened, configured and defined our individual and collective conscious experiences. Archaic consciousness is the “primal soup” and is not considered as being dimensional; the dimensional structures are the first, second and third dimensions of physical/sensual reality. To explain this in a nutshell, archaic consciousness is the window through which an infant perceives the world – as a foggy, moving backdrop with no distinguishable objects; in the first-dimension, young children begin to perceive the objects of nature magically coming alive; in the second-dimension, older children and pre-teens gradually understand about their relationship to the world; and in the third-dimension, teenagers begin to experience their individual identity as being separate from their families and the world, which in turn gives birth to the individual ego-mind in external reality. The fulfillment of third-dimensional reality happens when we mature in our mid to late twenties.
Individual and collective consciousness of humanity has experienced these structures of consciousness throughout history which is revealed by our depth-perception of the world at the time we passed through each dimension; this evolving perception is revealed in the art of each period, beginning with the drawings on cave walls. (See: Perceptions) As most people know, we are presently in third-dimensional reality; this is the realm of the ego-personality or ego-persona in psychological terms. However, what people do not realize is that as this structure of consciousness transitions out of third-dimensional reality and into the fourth-dimension, our present self-centered perception through the ego-personality will eventually be transformed through the process of disintegration, purification and reintegration of the selfless ego-personality.
Self-perception through the ego-mind requires a physical body with which the ego can identify. Without a sensual body and the objects of sense in the third-dimensional world, the “selfish” ego-persona is irrelevant. Ego-persona is the
unique feature of third-dimensional reality as it integrates the external content of this realm and puts it into a workable context we humans can understand. However, the caveat in this scenario is the very nature of the self-centered ego-persona. The ego identifies and integrates with the physical body so it experiences the impulses and desires of the body. The animal, instinctual nature of self-preservation drives the ego-persona to desire food, sex, power, comfort and pleasure. It learns that it must compete with others for these scarce resources, thus it becomes selfish and self-centered. Success and power in the material world has the effect of inflating the ego’s self-image which is intoxicating and very detrimental to one’s spiritual and psychological well-being.
By its very nature, the ego-persona is an illusion which we come to believe as being real, but it isn’t. In old mystical texts, the ego-persona is referred to as Self-will or the counterfeit spirit because it does not have a true identity other than its temporary and conditional self-perception as a physical body in the material world. Our true Identity is an eternal identity with our creator which resides in our spiritual nature, and it is from this true Identity that the ego-persona borrows a “sense of identity.” When humans awaken to this ego-delusion and are inspired to rise above the selfishness, vanity, pain and suffering of the ego-persona and material world, they must follow the guidance which Jesus Christ gave to us to “die and be reborn” to the reality of our true Self. Humans who desire to know their spiritual nature and to live a virtuous life must repeatedly and consistently withdraw or “die” to the egotistical influences, desires, and selfishness of the ego-persona until they break free from its delusional effect. (See: Thinking) Success in this endeavor means awakening to their true God-Self within, recognizing and experiencing this divine presence as being one with their spiritual nature.
Humanity’s Spiritual Journey & the Inevitable Demise of Ego
The ultimate destiny of the human race is for us to become Divine Humanity under the mantle of Jesus Christ; this is why God created us. (See: Creation: Being & Becoming) Many of us are on a pre-determined journey to become divine as Jesus Christ clearly revealed to us. As explained on this site, we as individuals have transitioned through many lifetimes and through multiple states of awareness in our journey through the structures of consciousness; in order to understand this one must read Perceptions. All of these life experiences, up to this time, were designed to give birth to the ego-persona so we humans could personally awaken to our individual and autonomous God-given individuality in this third dimensional space/time creation. It requires this kind of awakening of consciousness for humanity to recognize and understand our unique God-like characteristics and qualities of knowledge, insight and creativity in creation.
Unfortunately, a large portion of the population has no knowledge or interest in the spiritual; in fact, they openly express their disdain for life, kindness, compassion and for Christianity. Thus, the problem we face today is that the ego-persona of many people in the world is totally “off the rails.” They believe they are their ego-persona and that “it” is all-powerful; such egos tend to manifest the most negative, self-centered and arrogant aspects of the ego nature which we are all witnessing by the divisiveness within groups of people: politically, racially, culturally and morally. (See: Opposites – Wheat & Tares)
From the macro perspective of the collective consciousness of humanity and the spiritual journey we are on, it is no surprise that a pandemic is currently circling the globe. What I mean is that by understanding the history of humanity’s passage through these structures and dimensions of awakening in the evolutionary process of consciousness, and understanding that our next step is into fourth-dimensional, selfless consciousness of Christ, one cannot help but clearly realize that the ego-persona, on a world-wide scale, is destined for the trash heap of history. In consciousness terms, everyone who is fixated and attached to their ego-persona and its self-centered nature is what stands between the transition of humanity from third-dimensional sensual reality to fourth-dimensional Christ consciousness. This elevated consciousness is humanity’s future and our destiny is always unfolding and rolling forward; these ego-centric individuals are obstructing this forward progress.
In order for the 7 days of creation to continue unfolding, and the transition of consciousness to advance to the next level, we all will have to be purified and awakened spiritually as we move higher and higher in the purity of consciousness; this is how it works. All spiritual aspirants, of whatever religion, know this to be true – as conscious rises, it reveals and displaces impurities and obstructions like misperceptions and misconceptions, sins and guilt, and all of its shadows from the third dimensional worldly experiences, so we as individuals can retain more of the Christ-light and love. These “contaminated-fragments” within our consciousness will be transformed one way or another, whether by natural disasters, personal challenges, plagues, pandemics, or wars, etc. God will provide whatever is required to make each one of us let go and die to “who we think we are” so we can become who we truly are – a Self-realized individual, as part of a Self-realized humanity in Christ-conscious, with everyone abiding in the Father’s kingdom of Light and Love.
The pandemic we are presently experiencing is part of this process. Life has devised a plan, for each of us, to really take an assessment of our life by forcing us to sit at home and actually experience the life we have created. Our personal weaknesses become very apparent when we have to be quiet, patient and/or secluded and face some harsh realities about our life we have missed or avoided; and spiritually, our faith is always tested. However, in challenging times like these, many people rise above their weaknesses and the hero within emerges; these are the spiritual qualities we all have and we need to manifest these to rise above this challenge. We can facilitate this process by letting go of our selfish ego-persona and its worldly attachments; by letting go of errant behaviors; and striving to feel the awe in God, our Father and this magnificent Creation we are experiencing. Be strong and be of good cheer because God is purifying our souls so we can rise up and become one with the Christ consciousness in the “twinkling of an eye.”
The one message of encouragement I can give in these trying times is to “let go and let God” and strive to live a virtuous life in every aspect; and learn to meditate for 5-minutes a day as explained in An Abbreviated Version of Meditation. God Bless the Children of Light.
I'm happy to finally know you because now you're just like me;
We're both thinking of each other with bowed head and bended knee.
Just hoping and praying we're soon going to see,
All the walls come down and then we'll all be free.
Funny, I always heard this day would come like a thief in the night,
Or that suddenly the whole sky would be filled with glowing light.
Yes, this is beyond anything we ever have imagined or known,
The first day on earth when the whole world stayed home;
And I want you to know I'm happy to know you and for you to know me,
I hope our paths will cross one day when we're all finally free.
Until then, I will be obedient, and send you many a hug and prayer,
Now that there's nothing between us but the wide blue sky and golden air.
The road of life is full of twists and turns, from the beginning to the end,
Times to shelter in a hermitage, and other times to follow the wind.
Times to wait out a storm, times to walk toward the sun,
Times to rest in the shade and many times to run.
Times to scuff through the dust to get to pastures of green,
Times to be first, times to be last and everything in between.
Times to be lost, times to be found, times to stand in the light,
And let the hero rise and shine on the great road of life.