Transformation & Transcendence







Comment:  The subject matter of Ann Colton’s book, The Archetypal Kingdom is an eye-opening glimpse into the unseen world of the cosmos, the configurations of the heavenly archetypal kingdoms, the divine beings who are humanities helpers, and the eternal reality of humanity itself. This is the first in a series of advanced knowledge related to our eternal journey. These topics will reveal the amazing spiritual journey God has designed as the unfolding destiny in the divine and eternal life of humanity.  


In order to make this subject matter more readable and understandable, I have rearranged, edited, and paraphrased the content for clarity as the book would be difficult for most readers who haven’t studied the spiritual content which supports the esoteric teachings of Christ. When appropriate, the subject matter has been expanded with related knowledge to enhance the perspective for the reader.


It is the express purpose of this paper to explicate the miraculous configuration of the human body and the unfolding spiritual potential for those who follow the Way of Life as revealed to us by Jesus Christ. This series of papers are meant for those disciples who follow this Path of Light into the future and understand that they will continue their spiritual progress from one lifetime to the next.


Thus, the topic of this first paper explains the Eternal Spiritual Atoms which exist in each human body, along with the soul, as these are the means by which our eternal spiritual nature is carried onward and upward to the glorious destiny our Father in Heaven has prepared for us. The subject of this paper is not meant to encourage anyone to pursue the development of specialized powers as such powers will come according to God’s plan.


Internal Reality


It is my hope that this paper has been clarified enough so the subject matter can be read by anyone who is interested. However, in order to personally engage and evaluate the spiritual realities discussed in this paper, the reader needs to be minimally proficient in meditation. To experience the subtle realities of the higher spiritual nature, one must be able to silence the chattering-mind, calm the body’s restlessness and be able to focus one’s attention for an extended period of time. When the meditative state is achieved, the spiritual light reveals the truth about what one is focused on. For those not familiar with meditation, it begins with learning how to breath so as to gain control of the body and mind (See: Just Breathe).


To attain a harmonic accord between the soul and Higher Self requires an undeviating regularity as to timing and method in meditation. This is why rhythm in meditation is so important and this begins with rhythmic breathing as explained at the end of Stage 4 Meditation. The Higher or Eternal Self is the instructor in meditation. The Higher Self lives in the spiritual worlds and to receive intuitive knowledge from the Higher Self, one needs a reliable method of communication. This requires a breathing technique which will establish a vibrational alignment between the Higher Self, the heart, the thought and the soul since each of these have individual methods of communication, and often these will be separate and unique expressions which are difficult to apprehend.


Prayer, contemplation and meditation enable the heart, thought and soul to become one, whereby a continuity of light and intuition may be sustained. A telepathic rapport with one’s Higher Self is accomplished and the knowing “voice” of silence may be perceived interpreting the spiritual knowledge of the higher worlds as it conveys the Will of God and His plan for one’s life. Through the continued practice of prayer, contemplation and meditation, the atoms of the physical, emotional and mental bodies are brought into vibrational alignment with the Higher Self so the great Eternal Laws are comprehended by the disciple; the Higher Self becomes the logos or interpreter of the knowledge from above/within.


One must be focused and serene releasing any tension that arises from the feelings and thinking which occasionally disturb meditation. This tension interferes with the Higher Self as it attempts to send onto the magnetic field of the brain the pure telepathies and the reflections of the archetypal realities from the spiritual worlds. These archetypal realities are the framework or matrix of Creation which issued forth from the Christ, the Ever-Present Spoken Word of God; this is the Christ Light or Christ Spirit which anointed Jesus.


Jesus Christ knows the spiritual mind is a divinely organized mind seeking its own best within a theme of extensive homogeneous identification. Meditation becomes an unseen activity which is later manifested in the outer consciousness as perfect timing with spontaneous realizations and revelations of spirituality blossoming in one’s life; this appears in a form of intuition or divine telepathy as guidance and instruction. The Archetypal Kingdom represents the metaphysical hierarchy of the forms and configurations inherent in the original blueprint or matrix of the Edenic creation. Archetypal realities recognize the mind of humanity as a composite, versatile, and conceptual representation and manifestation of the mind of God; for God exists as the Omnipresence in all our affairs, biologically, personally and spiritually.


Eternal Spiritual Atoms


Unbeknownst to the majority of people on the planet, we humans have within us eternal spiritual atoms which are the key to Eternal life, to spiritual knowledge and to spiritual powers. The atom referred to here is not the atom known to the physicist of our time, but is the regenerator within the Eternal Fiat or Eternal sustaining life in God. These atoms constitute the “radiant sparks of life” invisible to man’s physical perception and intellect, yet, they are the means by which individual life experiences are retained and sustained following death. Eternal Spiritual Atoms are the means by which humans accumulate numerous and unique life experiences and spiritual knowledge from living multiple existences.


For the sake of clarification, I’ve given the name Eternal Spiritual Atoms to a category of eternal-atoms which are referred to in Colton’s book. These same eternal-atoms have been referred to by different authors and spiritual teachers I’ve known as Seed-Atoms; by whatever name, these are ALL the same eternal-atoms. Apparently, these eternal-atoms perform various “record-keeping” activities in conjunction with the soul; this is explained below. For those who do not know, the soul keeps a record in images of our past life experiences and these memories are preserved in the Eternal Sustaining Atom.


Heads Up! This is where it gets tricky! Within the category of Eternal Spiritual Atoms there is an Eternal Sustaining Atom which is considered supreme because it has the function of sustaining all of the soul’s life experiences from all former lives. Remember, Eternal Spiritual Atoms(plural) is just a category or folder I created for a variety of atoms we will be discussing, whereas, the Eternal Sustaining Atom for each human being is an eternal atom with a specialized function of preserving our life experiences and spiritual progress so each new life begins where the last one ended. 


Moving on! To use a corresponding technology metaphor, the Eternal Sustaining Atom has a similar function as the hard-drive and memory of a computer. When electricity brings a computer to life, an operating system is downloaded to the hard-drive and memory; software programs expand the computer’s capabilities and data input gives the machine greater knowledge. When the machine is powered down at night, a day in the life is over, and when powered up the next morning, it picks up where it left off. However, there must be a reliable source of electrical power to continue this daily operation.


The Eternal Sustaining Atom and the human soul function in a similar manner. These are the Creator’s version of the hard-drive and eternal memory. Humans become conscious in a given lifetime and power down at life’s end. However, humans remain viable and alive in the afterlife passing through twelve stages of life-evaluation, rejuvenation, heavenly bliss, and preparation for a new life, which includes reformatting the hard-drive before conception occurs so we enter the world as if it was the first time. However, we enter at the same level of spiritual, mental and psychological development as we had at the end of our former life. The “hard-drive” is reformatted so we have no memory of our past life experience and we can enter this new life with a clean slate and a rejuvenated personality. (See: Recapitulation)


Consciousness awakens in a new life, a new time, and a new body; a new conscious-self or personality slowly emerges in a different environment, but with the same Individuality and Soul and the same Eternal Sustaining Atom. Because of the soul and Eternal Sustaining Atom (ESA), humans are never separate from their power source; therefore, all the personal, spiritual and evolutionary advancements in the body, heart, mind and spirit are present in the new life. This is how the evolutionary progress of consciousness (See: Perception) and the refinement of the human body happens. This evolutionary cycle is explained in the next paper. (Living Eternally)


Through re-embodiment, humans progressively evolve these specialized atoms referred to as Eternal Spiritual Atoms. One of the purposes of advanced meditation is to bring the various atoms in our vital and etheric or radiant bodies into alignment in order to develop and sustain a powerful body of light as Jesus Christ showed us. At this point in human evolution, those who take seriously the teachings of Christ, understand that the Way of Life is a path of spiritual advancement and Self-realization. Christ clearly stated that if we were to be His disciples, we would follow Him and keep our minds open regarding the spiritual realities He performed; Eternal Spiritual Atoms are the key to unlocking these miraculous powers. Remember, He said, “These things I do so shall you do also and greater than these.”


These atoms are not the atoms of earthly force, but Eternal Spiritual Atoms of the pure stream of the Heavenly Hierarchy and consist wholly of spiritual Light and of the Body of God. They make up the fabric of humanity’s interweaving and intermeshing destiny: a network of Life, Light and Divine Image, enabling humans to function in the world of form and still have entrance into the World of God. The evolving Eternal Spiritual Atoms of all disciples preserve their rate of spiritual progression from life to life. These Eternal Spiritual Atoms are the means by which the energies of the invisible bodies of each human, the psychological, mental and spiritual, are maintained in life and are sustained after death. Meanwhile, the soul takes a brief but sublime respite in the Eternal Light of God before beginning a new life and journey of spiritual evolution.


As stated above, it appears as if eternal or seed-atoms have practical functions connected with the physical/spiritual body, whereas, the other Eternal Spiritual Atoms have functions which enhance and/or preserve the spiritual progress of the individual. In the Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel, he describes the function of a Seed Atom which resides in the left ventricle of the heart and its relationship to the breath and blood of the body. He explains, “As the blood passes through the heart, cycle after cycle, hour after hour all through life, it engraves the pictures it carries upon the seed-atoms while they are still fresh, thus making a faithful record of the life which is indelibly impressed on the soul in the post-mortem existence.”


When the physical body dies, the higher etheric vehicles withdraw from the dense body taking with them the “soul” of the seed-atom. He continues, “Not the atom itself, but the forces that played through it. The results of the experiences passed through in the dense body during the life just ended have been impressed upon this particular atom. While all other atoms of the dense body have been renewed from time to time, this permanent atom has remained. It has remained stable, not only through one life, but it has been part of every dense body ever used by a particular Ego (another term for Higher Self). It is withdrawn at death only to reawaken at the dawn of another physical life, to serve again as the nucleus around which is built the new dense body to be used by the same Ego. It is therefore called the Seed-Atom.”


Within this Eternity System or the 7-Days of Creation (see the second paper) design for spiritual evolution, humans increase and expand their field of action through knowledge and direct experience within these Eternal Spiritual Atoms. When future research finally confirms that there are certain impenetrable atoms which develop and sustain the progress of our spiritual nature, this knowledge will bring humanity closer to the ebb and flow of Universal Intelligence.


It is yet unknown to the outer consciousness of humanity, that certain impenetrable atoms hold together the soul-life substances which unite and give continuity to our substantial and insubstantial bodies; this is how the human soul/spirit progresses from life to life. What the bones are to the physical body, these Eternal Spiritual Atoms are to the spiritual body; hence, these atoms are the means of expanding spiritual knowledge and releasing previously unknown illuminating light into the lives of humanity and into the world.


For those who aspire to be illumined in Christ, the Eternal Spiritual Atoms will unite them to the Greater Archetypes in the Third Heaven and bring them under the tutelage of Christ. Humanity will begin to understand birth, death and rebirth and will open themselves to the many heavenly voices seeking to speak into ears deafened by the density, rigidity and darkness of the material world. The dedicated practices of the higher life enable disciples to free and illuminate their Eternal Spiritual Atoms, which are the permanent portions of Life, Light and the Divine Image in which we were created. The Eternal Spiritual Atomswhich remain eternal in all worlds are the means of sustaining our ongoing physical life experiences in earth and our advancing spiritual development in the Divine World of God.


Meditation makes it possible for disciples to achieve higher and higher degrees of atom evolvement. When one has mastered the spiritual art of meditation, the Higher Self dwelling within the Eternal Sustaining Atom speaks into the soul and into the mind; and one learns of the many processes and facets of the Eternals. One no longer resists the great Laws governing pain and joy on earth, and understands them to be a necessity in humanity’s emotional and mental evolvement. When the spiritual atoms are free, the Higher Self is free and one becomes an heir to the promises of the Beatitudes, as given by Jesus of Nazareth in the Sermon on the Mount.


The Eternal Fiat or Word of God sustains the Life of God in Creation through the Eternal Sustaining Atom. The spiritual atoms, which remain eternal in all worlds, are the means of sustaining humanity’s ongoing spiritual awakening in the 7 Days of Creation in the Divine World of God. The Eternal Sustaining Atom functions as a regenerator of Creation by sustaining the organization and arrangement of the invisible matrix of the Realm of Permanence. The Realm of Permanence pervades the phantasmagoria of this human world of death and rebirth, like sunlight pervades the air we breathe. At present, humans do not perceive or comprehend the Eternal Sustaining Atom or the Eternal Realms any more than they see or understand sunlight. However, the Eternal Realm protects and preserves the human life-world from complete destruction, as does sunlight for the life and growth of living things.


The Divine Central Atom of his being, the seed of his Godhood, is given to man at his birth
so the seed can flourish and ripen. Divinity comes not by grace alone, but by the development
 of the God-Self within to reach, touch, and be absorbed in the Eternal Energy which is God. The
development of Divinity is not up to God, it is up to us. God gave the seed, but we must grow the fruit.

From the Nine Faces of Christ


Eternal Atoms & Consciousness


Attuning one’s consciousness to the higher frequencies of particular Eternal Spiritual Atoms deepens spiritual knowing within and awakens higher states of Self-realization; this enables the initiate to use the higher atoms of the mental body to relate the conscious-self to the World of God and to the human world. Supernatural power is possible for advanced beings because they have incorporated into their knowledge the command over the atoms of the physical world. Whenever a miracle is activated, knowledge of Eternal Spiritual Atoms has been manifested.


The original pattern for humanity’s evolvement into the earth can be found in the Eternal Sustaining Atom. Jesus performed His miracles with Eternal Spiritual Atoms knowledge and power. He used His atoms to rearrange form structure and to extract energy. Where there seemed to be vacuity, He drew forth substances. He exploded His physical body while in the tomb, and thus was translated into His higher etheric or radiant body. He retained the power to use His physical atoms after His death; thus, He was able to reconstruct His body, perform supernatural acts or feats, and have command over the gravity-atom forces of the earth.


The degree of mental development of humans can best be determined by observing the predominant theme of a person’s thinking. If thoughts are saturated with self-will and the desire for personal gain, one is using the lower aspect of the Supreme-Will Atom of the mental body. If thoughts are filled with the will to do the good, to be pure and to be real, then one is preparing to come under the guidance of the Will of God. If one is using the slower rhythms of the Imaging Atom, the mind will think traditional thoughts and be satisfied to conform to the thoughts of the mass-mind. However, if one is highly evolved as a vessel for humanity, he or she will become at one with the Father and the pure stream of imaging will enter into the mind and thoughts.


The courage to envision the new spiritual transitions in life means one desires truth and is influenced by the Eternal-Light Atom correlating to Christ. Those who have gained spiritual insight throughout the ages will pursue the Light as a spiritual neophyte or acolyte, and will aspire to be illumined in the Christ Light. However, those who have an inquiring mind, but lack reverence for the minds of others, will appoint themselves as a messiah over others. The Eternal-Light Atom unites true seekers with the Greater Archetypes emanating from the Third Heaven; they will come under the tutelage of the Christ Spirit. When a holy person thinks, the Supreme-Will Atom, the Imaging Atom, and the Eternal-Light Atomare coordinated and thoughts are creative and perfectly balanced. These forces can be recognized if one is paying attention.


The atoms within the higher etheric or radiant body enable the atoms in the physical, emotional and mental bodies to penetrate, to fortify, and to influence one another. In each body, there are progressing atoms which have been quickened through the ages into advanced states; these atoms work more freely with the higher radiant body. Until the time of Jesus, progressing atoms were used for survival. However, the Resurrection of Jesus began a quickening of a higher degree of atom progression in humanity. After the coming of Jesus, those who truly followed His precepts experienced a quickening within the Indestructible Atom in their foreheads. Such enlightened ones began to stir other atoms within their bodies and to learn more about their spiritual nature and the Light worlds of higher Intelligence.


Many in the world are yet content to express sensuality through the five sentient atoms in the lesser emotional body. When spiritual maturity has been achieved, sentient atoms no longer control people; the sentient atoms are stilled within the lesser emotional body and the soul faculties are freed. This produces a quickened intuition in humans rather than instinctual sensing, so: appetites become more refined and selective; charitable giving becomes more expansive; one’s eyes behold the souls of others; one hears the greater harmonies of the Universe; one’s love expands to all things and all creatures of the earth; and one becomes devoted to God with his/her heart, mind, and soul.


The spiritual hope for humanity is that the eternal work of God is endless within them. One by one, all atoms in their progressing and spiraling state will be set into alignment with the atoms of the higher etheric body, and therefore, will bask in the perfect light. The planets in the solar system, the Earth, and the Sun of this Eternity System form a mathematical polarity through which the Spirit of God works. The Sun, the Earth, and the accompanying planets are encased in a mighty spiritual atom, called the World-Soul Atom or Diamond of the Ages. Every life-form in the earth, from plants to humans has an Eternal Sustaining Atom (ESA) within its being. Each ESA has a degree of light correlating to the Will, Life, Light and Love of God. The degree, quality, and configuration of divine Light within an ESA determines the form it will manifest and express and also determines what it will contribute to the universal plan.


The Sacred Atom of the Heart


The Sacred Heart-Atom residing in the left ventricle of one’s heart is eternal. As described above, it holds a microscopic etheric form which records all physical actions and desires in a given life. When death comes, the record of the physical life is retained within the energy system of the Sacred Heart-Atom and later passed to the soul. In each life, the same Sacred Heart-Atom returns to rest in one’s new physical heart. There are 24 corridors or chambers within the Sacred Heart-Atom and these correlate to the 24 Elders spoken of in the Book of Revelation 4:4. They also correlate to the 24 divine chromosomes affecting one’s divine ancestry, rather than one’s progenitorial or family ancestry.


There must be an eternal, evolving atom within the heart chakra before one’s conscience can function. The conscience cannot and does not function until the Sacred Heart-Atom is opened. All forms of healing, physical or spiritual, are mediative. However, no healing is possible when the Sacred Heart-Atom and the pulsation of the soul are separated by lack of faith. The Sacred Heart-Atom contains the restoring life sealed into all human beings by the Father since the beginning of this eternity.


What this means is when one offends the Sacred Heart-Atom by offensive and self-willed actions, or when one abuses love, or violates universal principles, or one follows shallow intellectual pursuits, the Sacred Heart-Atom and the restoring-life dwelling therein, fail to give the renewing and regenerating vitality. Thus, illness, sickness, anxiety and discomfort are the result. When one has faith, he or she enters into the greatest mediative arteries of God. Faith enables the Heavenly Hosts of Mediation to manifest their perfect works, and thus unite the sufferer with the restoring-life sealed into the Sacred Heart-Atom by our Father in Heaven.


As the stars are like the “physical atoms” in the Body of God, so too are the Eternal Spiritual Atoms like the “stars” in the human body. The Higher Self of an individual soul, dwelling within the Eternal Sustaining Atom, projects from itself the prototypal human form we will use in our earthly lives e.g., male or female body type with specific astrological configurations and karmic modifications. The ESA, in the forming of the various prototypal bodies, is assisted by the Indestructible Atom between the brows and the Sacred Heart-Atom in the heart. These three Eternal Atoms work in a triad action so that humans will remain an Eternalbeing while experiencing the different prototypal expressions in their earthly lives. Prototypal bodies will be discussed in the next paper.


“The physical man has a body with a heart. The spiritual man has a heart with a body.” AC


The spiritual fire within the spine seeks to unite with the heart, the throat, and the crown of the head. If one has loved sensually, the spinal fire in the heart is congested and painful. When one loves with purity, the spiritual fire has free ingress to the heart. The Sacred Heart-Atom becomes unobstructed and the heart becomes a lighted chalice for Divine love. The power of luminosity or of disappearance is gained through higher degrees of initiation. There are four atoms around the heart called the Luminosity Atoms and when these are activated, one may appear or disappear at will; few in the world have attained this power. The Lord Jesus and the men of the Elect used this power to make their physical bodies invisible – to disappear and to reappear. Elijah used this power to rise into the heavens and Enoch translated his body with this power. Jesus self-cremated His physical body through the activation of the Luminosity Atoms around His heart, and was thus resurrected.


The Indestructible Atom


Until the coming of Jesus Christ, the bliss-center in the middle of the forehead was unavailable to Kundalini flow. Since the fulfillment of the work of Jesus Christ, this bliss-center is open – it is called the Indestructible Atom. The Christ Spirit through Jesus is quickening the Indestructible Atom in the center of the forehead of those who would serve God. The Indestructible Atom, a tributary for the Christ Mind, sets the tone for what is received by the highly-evolved disciple.


The soul is the mediator between the Eternal Sustaining Atom of the Higher Self and the Indestructible Atom in the forehead, where dwells the true Individualityor spiritual identity of each human; the ego-personality dwells in the psychic nature and the body-mind. When the Sacred Heart-Atom, the Indestructible Atom between the brows, and the Eternal Sustaining Atom above the head are at one, spiritually evolved humans can attain the power of manifestation and de-manifestation, even as did the Lord Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth had the power of manifestation and de-manifestation; He was able to change water to wine, heal the sick, and raise the dead because the Sacred Heart-Atom, the Indestructible Atom between His brows, and His Eternal SustainingAtom worked as one.


“He who blends the Indestructible Atom within his forehead with the Medallion of his Soul
dissolves his past, brings forth love and stands before the Door with the key in his hand.”


The Christ-Spirit quickened the Indestructible Atom of humanity. The Indestructible Atom enables humanity to receive the Power of the Holy Ghost.* The Power of the Holy Ghost works through Life-Tones, Light, sound and thought. Before the coming of Jesus, the Holy Ghost was experienced through the World-Soul Atom and the Race-Lord Jehovah. Since the coming of Jesus, the various degrees of the Holy Ghost are experienced through the quickening of the Indestructible Atom. The Indestructible Atom will eventually enable humans to image with manifestation powers. The lower aspect of the Indestructible Atom works with a de-manifesting action, whereas, the higher aspect of the Indestructible Atom works with a manifesting action.


Since the coming of Jesus Christ, the Indestructible Atom has been quickened and humans are now becoming more individualized, and therefore less primitively bound to ancestral ties and primeval energies. The Indestructible Atom of the initiate is set to the Central Atom in the Spiritual Worlds and the Central Atom in Earth. The Lord Jesus Christ opened the goodness, purity and light of the Hierarchy-Nature gateway centered in the Indestructible Atom.


Calling on the Name of Jesus opens this gateway and moves one toward the thirteenth aspect of the hierarchy-nature patterned after Jesus, who represents the thirteenth principle among His twelve apostles. Furthermore, Jesus Christ, as the thirteenth principle, is considered the perfect human being since He perfected the 12 prototypal bodies; 6 male and 6 female. This is the spiritual evolutionary path humans are following. This will be discussed in the next paper.


“The words of Wisdom come to man through his heart; the words of Light come to man

 through the Divine Atom in his forehead; and the Divine Atom extends its Light to
the gland between the eyes and illumines the spiritual crown within the head.”


By totally surrendering to the universal God Consciousness, which occupies the Indestructible Atom center, called the Holy Cave, one moves beyond imagination and fantasy into direct experience of God-Realization as consciousness. It has been the custom for ages to begin Kundalini-yoga practices by concentrating upon the base-of-the-spine or Muladhara Chakra. The Western initiate begins at the Anahata Chakra or the Heart Center, so he might go beyond the seven phenomenal or relativity chakras into the five upward Super-consciousness chakras. Before the Christ Spirit through Jesus opened the Indestructible Atom in the center of the forehead, initiates in former ages depended upon the seven relativity chakras, thus, they experienced Samadhi with only partial articulateness.


Practical Aspects of the Indestructible Atom


There are more practical applications for the aspiring initiate to use than the transcendental powers discussed above. All disciples will experience the de-manifestation action of the Indestructible Atomwhen they turn toward the spiritual life and begin the practice of dedicated meditation; at this point, the Indestructible Atom is quickened and stirred. Being a novice in meditation, one has yet to enter into the portals of the Eternal Sustaining Atom, where dwells the Higher or Sacred Self. When this happens, one will undergo a necessary de-manifesting and dissolution process, which consists of an extreme cleansing of the negative personality traits. In this, the old, worn out forms of our undeveloped and immature personalities are dissolved, habits are changed, thoughts are clarified and organized, and misconceptions are corrected. This is how the spiritual life begins for everyone.


Another application of de-manifestation with the Indestructible Atom is to dissolve the past karmic traces from our earlier life experiences. Thus, one undergoes a dying to the ego-personalities of former life experiences so as to be reborn to a luminous Individuality within this life. "The Dweller on the Threshold” who supposedly waits for us at the end of each earthly journey, forces us to face the illusion-glamour-maya of the material world, as realized by the physical brain, and demands that we overcome this illusion before being admitted to the Afterlife process.


It is the bewildering thought-forms with which disciples are confronted as they seek to pierce through the accumulated glamour and illusions of the ages and find their true home in the place of light. "The Dweller on the Threshold” does not emerge out of the fog of illusion and glamour until the disciples are nearing the Gates of Life. Only when they catch dim glimpses of the Portal of Initiation and an occasional flash of Light from the Angel of the Presence, who stands waiting beside that door, can they come to grips with the principle of duality, which is embodied in the Dweller and the Angel.


Another action of the Indestructible Atom aids disciples in correlating with the Angels or essences of their finer etheric bodies so they may rise above the lower Astral realms and begin training and serving others from the higher regions at night while asleep. Also, the Indestructible Atom enables disciples to translate their Soul-Grace into outer works in the physical world. Another action of the Indestructible Atomis to familiarize disciples with the Hum (frequency) of the Archetypal Threads extending from the Eternal Sustaining Atom above the head to the spinal cord, the Sacred Heart-Atom, theLogos Atomof the throat and the Pulsation of the Soul. One has to purify and transform the conscious-self to receive these higher and refined impulses. 


The Indestructible Atom relates to initiation within the Higher Worlds, including the sacred regions of the Radiant or higher Astral World, the Spheres of Light and the Realm of Light. When the fire within the spinal cord, the magnetism within the silver cord, the tone within the Indestructible Atom and the Hum within the Archetypal Thread intermingle and blend, disciples may sustain their activities in the Spheres of Light and the Realm of Light, and thus receive instruction within the Higher Worlds.


The final action of the Indestructible Atom relates the disciple and initiate to the Tone residing within the Greater Archetypes of the Archetypal Worlds, thereby enabling him or her to receive the Revelation Power of the Holy Ghost.* When one has the power through meditation to enter into the Great Silence or the World of Tone in which resides the Greater Archetypes, one receives the Power of the Holy Ghost; and the Laws of Creation and the Laws pertaining to the Will of God are revealed; and one becomes a Law-giver and a Law-revealer.


Grand and ethereal powers, heavenly realms, and unknown spiritual possibilities are revealed and accessible to humanity through the knowledge of the Eternal Spiritual Atoms. This magnificent perception of eternity and the latent potential of humanity has opened our eyes regarding our own eternal nature. Something that was a vague or an ideal vision of the future now feels real inside our heart and soul. Spiritual knowledge truly has transformative properties which magnify the soul. Yet, perhaps the greatest gift of all this esoteric knowledge reveals is the open pathway for all seekers to become one with the indestructible miracle of life which was demonstrated by the miraculous power and the selfless love of Jesus Christ as the ONE who awakened and manifested the reality of the Eternal Spiritual Atoms.




* The Holy Ghost is the third person in the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity consists of three distinct personalities of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; three distinct personalities, but One Mind, One Heart. When Jesus was anointed with the Christ Spirit at His baptism, He became Jesus the Christed One. However, it is my understanding from meditation and from several reliable teaching sources that the Christ Spirit comes from a Triunity with the Absolute, the Supreme Deity in a Cosmic Realm well above our own; at the point of Origin of Creation.


Furthermore, from Colton’s book, Jesus apparently is not the only Christed Messiah in this Universe; He is one of twelve which will be discussed in an upcoming paper. In like manner, it is thought by some, me included, that at the same time as the baptism of Jesus, the Holy Ghost received the Holy Spirit also. He has been referred to as the Holy Spirit since that time. I know the Christ and Holy Spirit are One, but I do not know if there is a similar “functional distinction” between Christ and the Holy Spirit as there is between Jesus and the Holy Ghost. This means it is possible that the Christ Spirit anointed both Jesus and the Holy Ghost at the same time.




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