Final Edit 12.15.24
In the Last Days
“The Word was in the beginning, and that very Word was with God, and God was that Word. The same was in the beginning with God. Everything came to be by his hand; and without him not even one thing that was created came to be. The life was in him, and the life is the light of men. And the same light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.” (John 1:1-5) BUT, the darkness never ceases from opposing the light of life wherever it is found, especially, when it is found in “lukewarm” clueless humans. The darkness cannot penetrate the heavenly hierarchies and it already commands the darkness of this world, so its primary focus is revenge on humanity for being special in the eyes of God.
A way of life, love and grace has been opened for humanity by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus who established a pathway to spiritual freedom which can liberate everyone from the darkness and insanity of the material world. Christ told us “the Kingdom of Heaven is within” and that we must “seek first the Kingdom of Heaven” to find spiritual freedom and oneness with God. The challenges the individual human being faces in order to walk the path of light, comes from the forces of darkness which influence our psychic nature by keeping us: undisciplined, unaware and easily swayed; confused about who we truly are; distracted with enticing worldly activities; lost in social media “preening” one’s self-image; and addicted to the sensual pleasures of the world.
The path of light to spiritual awakening can only happen when the individual human realizes that the worldly enticements described above are empty illusions which leave people unhappy, dissatisfied, lonely and confused. There may be temporary bright spots in this illusion, but they never last. In this life, the only lasting satisfaction comes from within: knowing who you truly are; being free from the darkness of the world; being at peace within and not having to compete with others; having a clear conscience; and feeling the presence of the light and love of life which comes from God.
This lasting presence from the divine energies which comes from within our peaceful center, our Sacred Heart, is what angers the dark forces of this world; they are envious of humans because we are God’s divine children and the Father loves us as His own. However, these dark forces trouble and confuse the emotional nature and the mind of the ego-personality of all humans who do not accept the light within, who are too distracted to pay attention to it or who are lost in the delusions of the ego and the material world. It is obvious to anyone in their right mind that delusions and insanity are being promoted and accepted by many people in the world today, but no matter how much one tries to normalize these delusions, they are not reality.
This trend will continue to grow and the evil forces will continue to ramp up their enticements, temptations, delusions and confusing agenda on humanity, confirming that we are in “the Last Days.” To add aggravation to their bitterness, these dark beings are unable to satisfy their deep hatred for those humans who believe in God and Christ because they can’t touch them directly with their evil. However, when it is possible, these dark beings try to make conditions in the world miserable for ALL human beings because they “feed” on the pain, suffering, hatred, anger, death and destruction in the world; war being their favorite form of misery as it affects everyone.
The dark forces of the world perpetrate a steady stream of negativity on the godless humans of the world as this is a very large category of vulnerable humans who can be adversely affected. These non-believers include: the heartless and insensitive, the liars, cheaters and deceivers, the selfish, the lukewarm, the power-hungry who care only for themselves and wrong others, those who worship false gods, anyone who intentionally hurts others - in whatever way, and many others who are clueless and lost in the materialistic illusion of the world. These become the victims of the dark trinity which penetrates their consciousness and leads them astray through their dark enticements and lies.
There is an extensive history of the dark forces preying on humanity beginning with Eve’s encounter in the Garden. The scriptures don’t give us a clear picture of the divine hierarchy of good or the realms of evil. While many people assume that Satan is the most prominent of God’s adversaries, we shouldn’t assume that all God’s divine opponents are under Satan’s control. From my research of the teachings from Rudolf Steiner,* Valentin Tomberg* and others, I am presenting the most concise and comprehensive knowledge regarding the history and presence of the evil trinity, the present battle between light and darkness and where we are headed in these end times. See references at the end for further study.
The following will be explained below: the difference between Lucifer and Satan; the three principles comprising the dark trinity and how they oppose the Holy Trinity; how this evil trinity is affecting humans from within which leads them astray and what we can do about it; evidence in human behavior around the world showing the same perversions today as were evident in Sodom and Gomorra; how the dark forces are creating the same level of immorality and corruption that manifested in ancient Babylon and how the present civilization is headed for a similar fall; and how people can awaken to their higher spiritual natures which keeps them free from these dark influences. This being the end times as mentioned in the Bible, God and Christ are expecting people to take personal responsibility for their own salvation by having their lamps full as stated in the parable of Matthew 25:1-13.
In the Garden
This macrocosmic tale begins in the Garden with the serpent’s encounter with Eve; the serpent is not named. This paper will explain how and why Lucifer is the likely suspect in this story. Lucifer was called the “morning star” and the bearer of Light, and one who sat at the Father’s left hand (Jesus was at the right), giving us the impression of his being in the good graces of the Father. In time, Lucifer’s willful intentions were revealed by his selfishness and he “drifted” away from God’s plan for humanity. He placed his selfish impulses before the Father’s because he wished to be honored above all others. This action by Lucifer caused the Father to “curse” Lucifer who became a lowly “serpent” living on his belly; this serpentine energy is explained below.
Ezekiel made several allusions to a story on a cosmic scale which goes back to the Garden of Eden: “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God […] you were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones” (28:12–14). “Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor” (28:17). This appears to be a reference to Lucifer in the Garden; no one has ever used the word beauty in reference to Satan.
Lucifer’s encounter with Eve in the Garden awakened what we humans now know as the seed of the ego or self-conscious awareness. In this encounter, Lucifer made the beguiling statement to Eve about eating the apple, “God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like gods, knowing good and evil.” This is when Lucifer’s self-interest initiated the awakening of Eve’s ego-persona; this is the moment Eve became self-interested also, meaning she became self-conscious, i.e., she perceived herself as being “separate” from her surroundings. This perception of “me and the other” is the reason why humans experience conscious-duality in the material realm today, beginning with good and evil.
It was appropriate that Lucifer approached Eve as a serpent because he, like all dark forces, represents the “horizontal” mechanistic forces of the earth, like electricity, which keep the material world running; whereas, Christ represents the “vertical” forces of the heavenly realms which infuse believers with spiritual light, life and love. Christ was crucified on this cross representing these forces of heaven and earth. He overcame the darkness of this world, descended into the underworld, resurrected and ascended in His divine “Light-body” from the earthly realm and established a spiritual “vertical” path for all believers to follow.
Humanity has been confined to this world of darkness and light since our “fall” from Eden. For tens of thousands of years, humans have evolved through multiple lifetimes in order to awaken their consciousness to the Truth of Creation and the Way of Life revealed to us by Christ Jesus. BUT, the darkness has continued to oppose the divine light, life and love emanating into the material realm from the heavenly hierarchy. Earth is the proving-ground in which humans learn to faithfully walk in the light of God or to be enslaved servants to the darkness and lustful impulses of the world.
In order to fully understand the diagrams below regarding the evolution of human consciousness in the 7 days of creation, “Perception” is an important paper to read as it provides the necessary background knowledge for comprehending the subject of the “life between lives.” The human being’s passage through life cannot possibly be understood in a single lifetime and this is why every human soul on this planet today has lived multiple lives in a journey lasting through eons of time; I speak from personal experience. We are presently about two thousand years past the midpoint of the fourth day. (Fourth diagram below)
Living multiple lives has been necessary in order to evolve, develop and awaken our spirit and soul through the miraculous human body we inhabit, these consist of: the physical body, the etheric or “vital-life body,” the astral (radiant or starry light) body, and the “body-mind” (see: Ego Mind) through which these bodies express. The body-mind is the synchronistically integrated blend of the rational-cognitive mind, the psycho-emotional energies, the shadow-self, and the primal drives of the physical body which are all felt and expressed through the ego-personality; this “human-self” is who we think we are.
Each of these bodies has its own unique qualities, characteristics and divine purposes regarding our evolutionary development; and in each lifetime, many of us strive to awaken these divine potentials. The eternal spiritual companion to all of our bodies is our individual soul and our spiritual “I” or higher Self, sometimes referred to as “Ego;” not to be confused with the ego-personality people identify with in their physical body.
The stages for developing the human body followed the matrix or archetypal design for the male/female Adamic body created by the Elohim (See: Tree of Life). The first three days of creation were equivalent to humanity being in the cosmic womb. In the first day of creation, eons and eons ago, the divine hierarchy of this realm guided the development of our physical body’s awakening to the experience of heat and cold; this day was followed by a cosmic night. In the second day of creation, the divine hierarchy guided the development of our physical and etheric bodies and awakened humans to the experience of light and darkness; this was followed by another night. In the third day, the hierarchies of angels helped awaken our astral bodies by controlling them and integrating them with the higher functions of the Spiritual “I” in the human organism.
Upon the completion of the god-like human creature, on the fourth day of creation, humanity, brimming with potential, innocence, life and light descended and gradually awakened to the physical elemental realm; thus began the symbolic story of Adam and Eve (fourth diagram below). Upon our entrance into the elemental material realm, the hierarchies of angels who helped humanity develop an awareness of the “I” in the third day renounced their control and power over the human astral body so we could develop on our own. Although the angels continue to be the guardians of humanity who inspire and guide us, they do so without encroaching upon our freedom. The angels guide us in such a way that we will be inspired to manifest our full potential and to express the goodness instilled in us by our Creator.
Detailed Perspective of the 7 Days*
Detailed Perspective of a Cosmic Day*
Note: The micro “days” in this diagram are epochs or ages in human history.
However, as one group of the angelic hierarchy withdrew from humanity to give us time to evolve our spiritual Self, another group of angels, led by Lucifer, felt sorry for humanity and were “concerned” by the trials and danger freedom would bring upon humanity. In reality, they rebelled against the decree of the Elohim and the angelic hierarchies regarding the evolution of these new human creatures because they were jealous of them. So they “assumed the task” of guiding, controlling and protecting humanity from the suffering they “believed” humans were destined to experience. They willfully took a path in opposition to God, the Father and those spirits who truly served the well-being of humanity.
As the angels who were aiding the true progress of humanity renounced power and had withdrawn from human affairs, the luciferic angels plunged even deeper into the human organism to “guide” these new beings through enticing temptations and self-interest. Since the beginning, it was decreed by the Creator that every human being would have a guardian angel to help them through life. Now, however, with this forced integration from the luciferic angels, all humans were now susceptible to this rebellious influence, the temptations and the false inflations and delusions of the ego by the dark luciferic stream. As a result of this intrusion from these “fallen angels,” the human astral body and ego became tainted, confused and detached from the guidance of the heavenly hierarchy.
The corruption from the luciferic angels now mingled with the “spark of divine goodness” God instilled in each of His children. This taint of our psychic nature by the luciferic angels manifested in humanity as egoism; this dark force which overcame all human individuals with an illusory intensity, caused the Spiritual “I” to forget its divine origins leaving us with the inferior and false ego-personality; the counterfeit spirit.
The Luciferic beings had penetrated the human astral body corrupting humanity’s psychic nature, so now the beings of two opposing “angelic” perspectives altered our initial vision of divine unity; this caused our life experience to change to a duality of good and evil, etc. Now, we had dual influences internally pulling us in opposite directions; there were the beings which bring humanity forward and the beings that, while obstructing this spiritual impulse, unintentionally established the foundations of our future freedom and independence.
In the early days of humanity’s descent into the earth plane, humans were pulled downwards by their earthly interests and desires so their life experiences were different than they would have otherwise been. Had the luciferic angels not interjected themselves, humans would have retained a perpetual longing for their heavenly home, for the realms of spirit from whence they had descended. They would have taken no delight in what surrounded them on the earth; earthly impressions would have aroused no interest in them.
It was through the luciferic spirits that humans came to have this sensual interest in the earthly realm and to crave for the beauty of nature and the delights of the materialistic world. The passions, urges and desires of humans were progressively debased by these luciferic beings as we descended deeper into the sensual world.
By the actions of Lucifer and the angels who followed him, humanity was subjected to egotism and a “chattering-mind” of unending temptations, delusions of grandeur, selfishness and desires for: sex, personal power, money, fame and the pleasures of the earth; this is the self-interested nature of the luciferic stream of darkness. Since the beginning, Lucifer has focused his attention on the individual human astral body, stimulating its passions and perverting its psychology. This premature expansion of consciousness caused the “eyes” of humans to be opened much earlier than the divine plan had anticipated, thus, the “fall” of humanity was accelerated by humanity’s desire for the pleasures of material reality.
As explained on this website, the astral body is comprised of both a lower and a higher psychic nature. (See: Stage 2 & Stage 3 Meditation) The astral is part of the human makeup where the Holy Spirit resides in the Sacred Heart. The presence of luciferic angels in the astral set up the conflict humans now experience between good and evil or between their higher psychic nature in the heart and their lower psychic. This spiritual conflict with Lucifer has been with humanity since the ego began to awaken in the world of duality. However, this is only the first part of the eternal struggle which humanity and the divine hierarchy were destined to deal with in “the Last Days.”
Satan, the “Illegitimate” Prince of the World
Lucifer and his fallen angels “spawned” the conditions which established a precedent by which Satan was able to find a foothold to introduce his own version of darkness into humankind when he fell from heaven. It is said that Satan possesses more intellectuality than any other being and must not be confused with the ordinary devil, which is a lower power with different characteristics. Satan is a powerful adversary who has the rank of a Principality (Archai), which is a grade higher than the Archangels. He is one of the most outstanding of these Primordial Forces, who could actually be at the level of the Powers, except for the fact that he is the worst of the worst in his darkness, deceit and heartlessness.
Satan was known as Ahriman during the ancient Persian era and he is occasionally known as Mephistopheles; this name comes from the Hebrew word me-phis-to-pel, which means the liar, cheater and deceiver. Following his fall from heaven, Satan supposedly established his kingdom in the purgatorial realms within the earth; each level down contains beings darker than the one above. He also established a realm Jesus Christ spoke of as the “outer darkness” which is referred to as the Eighth Sphere that surrounds the earth.
Unbeknownst to him, Lucifer established this foothold of darkness in this world for Satan – Satan being of an opposite polarity from Lucifer and his angels. Satan and Lucifer oppose one another and have very different agendas. Satan is the second principle of the Dark Trinity. Satan quietly and deceptively established himself as an adversary to Christ and to humanity. Satan’s greatest trick is to make humans believe he doesn’t exist.
This foothold Satan has is in the human etheric “vital-life” body which happens to be the seat wherein the Christ impulse elevates and guides humanity; this impulse is felt in the solar plexus around Easter. This was no accident because Satan’s targeted adversary is none other than Christ Jesus. Satan’s appearance in the desert during the temptations of Christ was a necessary and intentional provocation on the part of Satan directly challenging Jesus Christ for daring to set foot in what he believed was his worldly kingdom. If Satan were to succeed in bringing about what he desires to do within a certain time, these circumstances would occur in a harmful way for the evolution of humanity.
Isaiah makes a reference about Satan that sums up his personal ambitions as the so called “Prince of the World.” The prophet Isaiah compares the arrogant king of Babylon to this particular ambitious divine being: “How are you fallen from heaven! Howl in the morning! For you have fallen down to the ground, O reviler of the nations. For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will dwell upon the high mountains in the outer regions of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah14:12–14). Unlike Lucifer, Satan wants it all; he wants to replace God and his first order of business is to entice Jesus Christ to submit to him.
The Temptation of Christ
Jesus Christ knew beforehand that he would be encountering Satan, his primary opponent, before he could proceed with his life mission. The event that marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry was his baptism in the Jordan. It was there that God, the Father publicly identified Jesus as his Son, and there that John the Baptist identified him as the one who “takes away the sin of the world.” Now, when we hear this phrase, we know it refers to the crucifixion, but Jesus didn’t speak about his death until the latter part of his ministry. When it finally came out, this news was not well received; in fact, it was outright rejected. The apostles could not comprehend why Jesus was talking about his death when they were expecting him to establish his kingdom on Earth; they had no idea the crucifixion was part of the plan from the beginning.
After Jesus’ baptism, he became Christ Jesus, Lord of the Earth and was driven into the wilderness by the Spirit to confront Satan. Satan came to tempt Christ in the desert for he knew who He was; he was the messiah who would be a king in the line of David who came to establish his kingdom on Earth. Satan, the “prince of the world,” understood that Jesus Christ was a threat to his domain, i.e., the nations God had cast aside at the Tower of Babel before creating Israel.
Before Jesus Christ could make a move, Satan tempted Jesus three times and the final temptation was to get Jesus Christ to violate his relationship with God. He offered Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the nations of the world, the very thing he presumed He had come to reclaim. Satan took him to a very “high mountain” and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, “All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me.”
As we know, Christ refused Satan’s proposal because He knew that to do so would leave the Earth and humanity vulnerable to this dark evil. He had a very specific mission and in order for it to be successful, it required for him to be crucified. Jesus Christ’s mission was not about ruling over nations, but spiritually liberating all of humanity. Following the temptations in the desert, Jesus called the twelve disciples as it corresponded to the twelve tribes of Israel. Later, Jesus began to fulfill the prophecies written about him in the scriptures by calling his disciples Peter, Andrew, James, and John together, and he took them to heal a demon-possessed man.
The calling of his disciples and the healings continued, establishing the beginning of a prescribed pattern. As he called more disciples, he gave them power to cast out demons and to heal people of every disease, handicap, and condition. Later, Paul would spread the gospel the same way by starting with the Jews, then going to the Gentiles. Jesus commissioned seventy more people to heal and cast out demons as this was the number of nations God cast aside at the Tower of Babel and placed these under the dominion of lesser gods. Just as the calling of the Twelve was a sign that the kingdom had come to Israel, so the sending of the seventy signaled that the kingdom would take back the nations. When the seventy returned, Jesus’ response showed that his plan was working; he said to them: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18) meaning that Satan’s grand plan for the world had failed.
Jesus Christ was greatly relieved by this sign, for when he refused Satan’s offer in the desert, he knew the dark forces of Satan and his subjects would scheme to foil God’s divine plan and perhaps kill him. Surprisingly, he moved ahead with his ministry without interference or attacks. Little did Satan know that Jesus was not concerned about being killed; however, he was worried about being imprisoned and left to die of old age without ever beginning his ministry or connecting with the people and fulfilling the prophecies – this was the only way God’s divine plan would have failed. (See: The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser)
Now, Satan would no longer have any claim over humanity once the people recognized Jesus Christ. After three years of preaching about the kingdom of God, revealing God’s love, and demonstrating what life could be like in a spiritual world, Jesus began to prepare for the end of His mission. Before His final journey to Jerusalem, Jesus took the disciples to the far north of Israel to a place called Caesarea Philippi. In the Old Testament, this region was called Bashan; it was considered the gateway to the realm of the dead; literally, it was the gate to hell. Bashan is situated at the foot of Mount Hermon; in Old Testament times, Bashan and Mt. Hermon were considered ground zero for the evil cosmic powers working in the earth.
Jesus needed to provoke Satan and the dark angels who did his bidding. He wanted to provoke these dark powers so they would help to bring about His demise through the crucifixion. He knew the crucifixion was the key to breaking the hold the dark forces had on this world. He knew that upon his death on the cross, he would descend to the depths of hell, even into the lowest realms, and bring the Light of Christ into the heart of the Earth and plant the “seed of redemption” by which the Earth and humanity would one day be free of the darkness, corruption, insanity and godlessness we see in the world today. This darkness was building like the dome of a volcano just before it blows. (See: Reversing Hermon by Michael Heiser)
Christ makes it clear what will happen to humanity in the end times with the parable he told about the wheat and the tares. Jesus presented the parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ And he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this!’ The slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.’ ”
Wheat produces grain which can be ground into flour to make bread or the seeds can be used to grow more wheat; tares look just like wheat when it is growing, but it produces no seed, in reality, it is just an unfertile weed that produces nothing of value. In the world today, we are getting very near to the harvest so the “tares and the wheat” are easily identified. It is evident that this is the hand of God at work as we witness how separated and angry people are becoming: politically, socially, culturally, morally and spiritually. This divisiveness in humanity is the harvest Jesus Christ is talking about in this parable.
The Dark Trinity
The divisive state of consciousness of human beings in the world today reveals, in individuals, either the dark corruption of the evil trinity, the spiritual presence of the Holy Trinity or the state of being “asleep at the wheel.” Those who are asleep are not a part of this conversation. The important point and the reason for writing this paper is to warn people that it is becoming increasingly clear, by the behavior of people in the world, that the evil trinity is finding significant opportunities to bring people deeper and deeper into the delusions of the world through corruption, hatred and insanity.
Through the many lifetimes we have lived, we’ve had the opportunity to choose between good and evil, but in these “last days,” we need to remember, such a choice is likely to be permanent. In his book, An Exorcist Explains the Demonic, Fr. Gabriel Amorth asked one of the demons he was exorcizing, “We humans can’t see demons, but how many demons are in the world?” The demon answered, “Enough that if we gathered, we could block out the sun.”
At present, the most dangerous aspects of darkness in the world are deceptively hidden. As stated above, Satan’s greatest trick is to make humans believe he doesn’t exist. What this really means is that Satan does not want the evil he is sowing to be recognized for what it is. The way the evil of Satan exists in people and in the world is by false-mimicking, perverting and desecrating all that is good and true in life. In part, he does this by making people believe that whatever “they think is true is real” regardless of how contrary it is to reality; this is the satanic perversion of the luciferic stream of ego.
He also sows darkness by making people believe they are doing good (virtue-signaling) so they feel self-righteous, when in reality, they are promoting causes that are evil and destructive. As we see in society today, Satan is attempting to defile and pervert everything by twisting what we know as truth and separating it from God and from its true identity and its purpose in life.
Today, to completely understand the demonic conditions of the world, we need to understand that there are not only luciferic and satanic spirits at work, but also impulses which outwardly appear luciferic, but behind which there is a hidden satanic influence, i.e., impulses in which luciferic ego-enthusiasm serves satanic purposes. The power of evil is not exhausted with the degeneration of the luciferic beings to the stage of the satanic beings. Just as the luciferic ego-impulses carried through to their exhaustion, inevitably become the prey of Satan, so too, the satanic impulse, carried to its ultimate exhaustion, becomes the prey of a third being in the cosmos. Rudolf Steiner designated this third being as Asura.
Asura and the asuric spirits represent what this paper designates as the third principle of the dark trinity. Just as Satan was spawned from the action of Lucifer’s betrayal of God, Asura has been spawned from the perverted darkness of Satan. Very little can be said about the qualities of Asura; the possible descriptions of Asura’s nature are limited at this time. To form a concept of the nature of Asura, we must review the human being’s visceral experience of cosmic evil. With the exception of psychopaths and sociopaths who do not feel emotions, each human being encounters and feels evil physically in the bodily emotions no matter how much one denies it or ignores it.
In general, in the unseen world, the luciferic currents from the lower astral adversely influence the ego-personality with various temptations and misperceptions, like vanity, arrogance, greed, envy, selfishness, etc. The satanic currents from the etheric “vital-life” realm manifest in the body as lovelessness, deceit, lying, cheating, sexual perversions, vengeance, gluttony, anger, etc. (See diagram below) This is not meant to be a definitive list of evil, but rather a representation to distinguish the nature of evil in the astral (lower psychic) energies from the etheric (vital-body) energies.
All the dark and evil currents received into the physical body are recorded in the soul of the human. After death, the contents of the soul will determine the conditions of the next life. For those who do not know, the evil which taints the soul in this life can only be forgiven and released in this life; the only adjustments made to the soul/spirit in the afterlife are made as karma is being “burned” from the soul in the underworld. (See: Body>Soul<Spirit) There are spiritual exercises one can practice to purify the soul; one such exercise is described at the end.
The actions of Lucifer and Satan in the astral and etheric realms respectively, have spawned the conditions which give Asura a foothold into this world. This is a direct challenge to our Father in Heaven; as the world, the human physical body and the Spiritual-I are the domain of the Father. Unlike the two evil principles described above, Asura’s primary focus is on the physical body, the soul and the Spiritual-I. If the I-being had not been lead downward into materiality which awakens the desires in the astral, etheric, and physical bodies, it would not have come into contact with cosmic evil, but such is destiny.
In this “fall” of humanity, the awakening happens first in the astral body, where the Spiritual-I encounters sentient activity; this took place in the early evolutionary stages of humanity. The meeting with satanic influences occurred later in our evolution; thus, this awakening of the conscious-self took place in the etheric “vital-life” body. In the individual, the luciferic “angel or double” skews the psychic sensory nature, whereas, the satanic double corrupts the life energies and self-conscious perception.
Up to this point, the whole drama of human vulnerability to evil and openness to spiritual awareness depends on the Spiritual-I, our higher Self, transforming and purifying the astral and etheric natures within so we can be clear spiritually and free within ourselves. The stages of meditation on this site focus exclusively on this issue explaining how we can rise above the temptations, the darkness and the sensuous desires of our lower nature so as to experience the kingdom of heaven within our Sacred Heart.
The awakening with the third principle of the evil trinity is, only now, making its entrance into humanity as more and more people are being deceived by the enticing propaganda. This encounter or “dark persuasion” will take place in the physical world which is the domain of our Father in Heaven. This third dark principle is “challenging” the Father principle in a similar manner as Satan challenged Christ and Lucifer challenged the Holy Spirit. The influence of this third force of evil will be distinguished from that of Lucifer or Satan, especially in the way it will obscure the Spiritual-Self.
When the luciferic influence, working through the astral body, leads the Spiritual-I astray and tears it from its union with the spiritual hierarchies, and when Satan through his influence in the etheric life-body, “defiles” the self-conscious human-being, then Asura has an opportunity to deceive the “I-being” of those who have been susceptible to this evil. Thus enticed from the spiritual world by Lucifer and enslaved in the body by Satan, Asura will attempt to absorb the “I-being” into Asura’s own being.
Just as Lucifer brings the “I” out of the waking condition into the illusory “dreaming condition” of the world, and Satan pulls it down from the dreaming into the semiconscious “sleeping” condition, likewise, Asura brings death or unconsciousness to the human-I. For humanity, the spiritual death or unconsciousness of the I-being is the danger of the third stage of evil.
To put this into perspective, the luciferic spirits are responsible for awakening the extreme self-interest of our ego-personality. They are also responsible for leading us astray in a multitude of ways by inflating the ego, by tempting and enticing the bodily desires, encouraging us to indulge ourselves, etc. However, the influences of evil brought to humans by the luciferic spirits are the easiest to dispel through spiritual devotion, self-disciple and internal purification.
We humans are at a point in our spiritual evolution where we are capable of taking charge of the ego by managing our personal behavior through our spiritualized-Will. This neutralizes the luciferic influence of the “shadow” in our lower psychic (astral) nature. When this happens through meditation, one will experience the blessings of spiritual freedom. The evil in an individual who has sinned through the influence of the satanic energies is usually a darker and more intense evil than our ego blunders; this degree of sin can only be neutralized by working out one’s karma in this life.
The Spiritual Machine*
The present evil intentions of large, elitist organizations and groups of people in the world have spawned the technological conditions by which the Asuric powers have gained a foothold in “human believers” and in the material realm. Humanity has never experienced the unique circumstances or the willful intent by which these sins against humanity and the Creator are being perpetrated; these kinds of sin cannot be expunged in the ways described above.
Whereas, the luciferic self-serving impulses of ego do cause individual pain and suffering, but despite the possibility of evil, it has served a purpose by which humanity’s conscious evolution still advances. Likewise, the satanic spirits made possible the working of karma to the end that the satanic powers might be resisted and the evil made good, but it will not be so easy to counter the Asuric powers as earth-existence takes its course.
From my understanding, there are a number of powerful people in the world who promote and believe humans are now capable of merging nano technology with the molecular and/or cellular level of the human body. As this technology advances and more nano technology enters the body, the body will eventually become programmable. Through technological and medical advances in the future, it is believed that the body can be programmed to live forever, i.e., people become “spiritual” machines. These Asuric powers are heralded today by the prevailing tendency to live wholly in the material world and to be oblivious of the reality of spiritual energies, spiritual beings and spiritual worlds.
That is to say, not that the whole human being will become victim, but rather parts of the conscious-spirit will be severely diminished and the soul will be adversely altered by the Asuric powers. It is true that the Asuric powers could corrupt the human today in a way that is more theoretical than actual. Today they deceive the human by various means into thinking that the Spiritual-I is a product of the physical world only; this deception is a kind of theoretical materialism. These Asuric spirits will prompt what has been seized by them, namely, the very core of a human's being, i.e., the soul together with the Spiritual-I, and unite these with earthly materiality.
Bit by bit the “I-being” will be diminished, and in the same measure in which the Asuric spirits establish themselves in the human soul, these humans will leave parts of their existence behind on the earth. Thus, what becomes the prey of the Asuric powers will be irretrievably lost. And as time goes on, the predictive signs of the depraved, sensuous passions, which are becoming increasingly prevalent on the earth, will blind some peoples’ vision of the spiritual worlds and deaden the sublime feelings of their souls.
Then, the extreme divisiveness of personal worldviews among the human populous would be unable to live in the same world peacefully; this reminds me of the verses from Matthew 24:40-42, “Then there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Be alert, therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come.”
This select group of which we speak, those who have chosen to live in the horizontal realm of the serpent, may not as yet entirely base their life on the principle that their true being descends from the animal, but this view of existence will inevitably arise, with the result that humans will also live like animals, will sink into animal impulses and degenerate into the animal passions. More and more these humans will not only teach that the highest moral ideals of humanity are merely sublimations of animal impulses; that human thinking is but a transformation of a faculty also possessed by the animals; that humans are akin to the animal in respect to their form, and moreover, that their whole being descends from the animal.
Humans will take this view in all earnestness and order their lives accordingly since there is no longer any memory or knowledge of the spiritual worlds. In the future, this group of humankind will know nothing nor desire to know anything of a spiritual world. Those who choose this hedonistic life of artificial intelligence may live forever in this cold, godless world. We can already perceive the lurid, hellish glare of the spirits we call the Asuras.
St. John16:32-33
“For behold, the hour is coming, and it has now come, when you will be dispersed,
every man to his own country, and you will leave me alone because the Father is with me.
These things I have said to you that in me you may have peace. In the world
you will have tribulation; but have courage, I have conquered the world.
Solar Egg Purification Exercise
The following exercise is for cleansing the energy fields around the body, to strengthen our connection to the presence of the Christ Light and to free the psyche of past sins. The human atmosphere or aura is shaped like an egg surrounding the body, with the point of the egg facing downward. In the middle of the egg is a yoke; in our middle is the solar plexus which shines like the sun because it is one with the Christ Son/Sun. The purpose of this exercise is to use this wonderful center of spiritual energy to breathe and rejuvenate our body and to cleanse our psyche of past sins, negativity, regret and sorrow using the Christ Light to free our soul. In this exercise, let the light fill your atmosphere.
Instructions: Sit quietly; breathe in and out connecting the breaths by eliminating the pauses between each inhale and exhale. Focus on the son/sun center; breathe light into the center and then breathe out all darkness, pain, anxiety, fear, worry, etc. Let the exhale push this dark energy all the way out of the aura to the ends of the universe. Keep this up until inner peace is attained.
To remove past sin or present darkness: Bring into this solar center any sin that is weighing heavily on the conscience or any dark thoughts. Focus on the sin or thought until “you own it” then offer it to the Father in Heaven and ask Him to forgive you of this sin or help you eliminate the dark thought. Then vow to never sin like this again or vow to gain control of your chattering-mind (See: Ego Mind). Recommit yourself to Christ Jesus. This exercise is very much what Christ meant when He said, “Physician, heal thyself.”
* See Rudolf Steiner’s teachings at
* Christ and Sophia by Valentin Tomberg
* Cosmo-Conception by Max Heindel (diagrams above)
* The Spiritual Machine by Ray Kurzweil